Results for 'von Drew Khlentzos'

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  1.  19
    Anti‐Realism under Mind?von Drew Khlentzos - 1989 - Dialectica 43 (4):315-328.
    SummaryAnti‐Realism claims that the Classical or Realist conception of truth as verification‐transcendent is incoherent. Our grasp of the meanings of statements from any given class is to be assimilated to a grasp of their assertibility or deniability conditions. In this paper I present an apparent counter‐example to the Anti‐Realist's positive claim which derives from the traditional problem of other minds.ResumeL'anti‐réalisme affirme ľincohérence de la conception réaliste classique de la vérité comme transcendante à la vérification. Notre saisie des significations des énoncés (...)
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    Naturalistic Realism and the Antirealist Challenge.Drew Khlentzos - 2004 - Bradford.
    In this important book, Drew Khlentzos explains the antirealist argument from a realist perspective. He defends naturalistic realism against the antirealist challenge, and he considers the consequences of his defense for our understanding of realism and truth. Khlentzos argues that the naturalistic realist view that the world exists independently of the mind must take into consideration what he calls the representation problem: if the naturalistic realist view is true, how can mental representation of the world be explained?He (...)
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    Mental States Volume 1: Evolution, function, nature.Drew Khlentzos & Andrea Schalley (eds.) - 2007 - John Benjamins.
    Collecting the work of linguists, psychologists, neuroscientists, archaeologists, artificial intelligence researchers and philosophers this volume presents a richly varied picture of the nature and function of mental states. Starting from questions about the cognitive capacities of the early hominin homo floresiensis, the essays proceed to the role mental representations play in guiding the behaviour of simple organisms and robots, thence to the question of which features of its environment the human brain represents and the extent to which complex cognitive skills (...)
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    Semantic challenges to realism.Drew Khlentzos - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Naturalism and the Question of Realism.Drew Khlentzos - 2015 - In Kelly James Clark (ed.), The Blackwell Companion to Naturalism. Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 150–167.
    According to naturalism, philosophy is part of science. Its aim is thus to acquire synthetic knowledge of the world. Philosophy's methods of discovery – its use of a priori reasoning, conceptual analysis, and thought experiments – are legitimate to the extent that they further this broader scientific aim, naturalists aver. A very different view of philosophy sees it as distinct from science in both aim and methods. Philosophy aims to discover analytic knowledge through a priori reasoning on this competing view. (...)
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    On putting the semantic cart before the metaphysical horse - a realistic appraisal of anti-realist semantics.Drew Khlentzos - 1991 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 69 (4):415 – 437.
  7.  22
    True to the power of one? Cognition, argument, and reasoning.Drew Michael Khlentzos & Bruce Stevenson - 2011 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 34 (2):82-83.
    While impressed by much of what Mercier & Sperber (M&S) offer through their argumentative hypothesis, we question whether the specific competencies entailed in each system are adequate. In particular, whether system 2 might not require independent reasoning capabilities. We explore the adequacy of the explanations offered for confirmation bias and the Wason selection task.
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  8. "What in the world could correspond to truth?".Drew Khlentzos - 2000 - Logique Et Analyse 43 (169-170):109-144.
    This paper argues that the Correspondence Theory of Truth is not well- served by Truthmaker Theory and is better developed in a different direction. For there are reasons to believe that the main axiom of that theory (TA) which states that for every truth there is a truthmaker is either unjustified or false. Some of these reasons are already well-known. Negative existentials and universal generalizations present initial difficulties for TM theory as do necessary truths. There is a more serious problem, (...)
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  9. The logic instinct.Stephen Crain & Drew Khlentzos - 2010 - Mind and Language 25 (1):30-65.
    We present a series of arguments for logical nativism, focusing mainly on the meaning of disjunction in human languages. We propose that all human languages are logical in the sense that the meaning of linguistic expressions corresponding to disjunction (e.g. English or , Chinese huozhe, Japanese ka ) conform to the meaning of the logical operator in classical logic, inclusive- or . It is highly implausible, we argue, that children acquire the (logical) meaning of disjunction by observing how adults use (...)
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  10. Introduction: truth maker and its variants.Peter Forrest & Drew Khlentzos - 2000 - Logique Et Analyse 43 (169-170):3-15.
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    The case of the missing generalizations.Stephen Crain, Rosalind Thornton & Drew Khlentzos - 2009 - Cognitive Linguistics 20 (1).
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    Drew Khlentzos, Naturalistic Realism and the Antirealist Challenge: Bradford/mit Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts; London, England, 2004, viii+408, $40.00, ISBN 0-262-11285-X.Bernd Carsten Stahl - 2007 - Minds and Machines 17 (3):361-363.
  13. Eduard von Hartmanns philosophisches system im grundriss.Arthur Drews - 1906 - Heidelberg,: C. Winter.
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    Ver ideengehalt von Richard Wagners: Oramatischen dichtungen im zu-sammenhange mit seinem leben un seiner weltanschauung.Arthur Drews - 1931 - E. Pfeiffer.
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  15. (1 other version)Eduard von Hartmanns philosophische System in Grundriss.Arthur Drews - 1902 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 54 (2):202-204.
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    Kants Naturphilosophie als Grundlage Seines Systems (Classic Reprint).Arthur Drews - 2016 - Berlin,: Forgotten Books.
    Excerpt from Kants Naturphilosophie als Grundlage Seines Systems Die vorliegende Arbeit uber die kantische Naturphilosophie war ursprunglich in Aussicht genommen als erstes Kapitel einer Darstellung der deutschen Naturphilosophie seit Kam. Der Grund, warum sie zu einem selbstandigen Werke angeschwollen ist, liegt darin, weil ich bei genauerem Studium des Philosophen fand, man habe das naturphilosophische Element in den Schriften Kants bisher bei weitem unterschatzt und insbesondere seinen Bemuhungen um eine dynamische Theorie der Materie lange nicht diejenige Bedeutung zugeschrieben, die ihnen sowohl (...)
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    Review of Drew Khlentzos' Naturalistic Realism and the Antirealist Challenge. [REVIEW]Thomas W. Polger - 2005 - Review of Metaphysics 59 (3):181-183.
    Drew Khlentozos’ Naturalistic Realism and the Antirealist Challenge is a meticulous introduction and roadmap to the core arguments of the contemporary realism/antirealism debate. It has several features that I especially admire. The book is carefully argued and for the most part clearly written. Rare among recent writers in Anglo-American philosophy, Khlentzos is a charitable reader of his opponents and earnestly endeavors to present their views as clearly and generously as possible. This generosity and thoroughness are also the book’s (...)
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  18.  33
    Zersplitterte und gesammelte Gegenwart bei Augustinus: Das Verhältnis von physikalischer und psychologischer Zeit.Friedemann Drews - 2024 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 26 (2):387-415.
    This paper tries to ‘liberate’ Augustine’s view on time from certain modern prejudices, e.g. that the church father’s theory of time involves the modern dichotomy between subjectivism and objectivism (Ricœur), that his understanding of time can be seen as a precursor of modern phenomenology (Husserl, Heidegger), that Conf. XI lacks a coherent theory of time as such or that, at least, it falls short of the insights of Kant’s enlightened transcendentalism (Flasch). By contrast, the church father circumvents typically modern aporiai (...)
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  19.  14
    Plotin und der untergang der antiken weltanschauung.Arthur Drews - 1907 - Jena,: E. Diederichs.
    In dem vorliegenden Werk hat sich der Philosoph Arthur Drews einem spannenden Kapitel antiker Philosophie gewidmet. Er richtet sein Augenmerk auf Plotin, Interpret der Lehre Platons und Begr nder des Neuplatonismus. Dabei spannt er den Bogen von der Entwicklung der antiken Philosophie vor Plotin bis zum Untergang der antiken Weltanschauung. Sorgf ltig bearbeiteter Nachdruck der Originalausgabe von 1907.
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    Die religion als selbst-bewusstsein Gottes.Arthur Christian Heinrich Drews - 1906 - Jena und Leipzig,: E. Diedrichs.
    Christian Heinrich Arthur Drews (1865 - 1935) war ein deutscher Philosoph, Schriftsteller und wichtiger Vertreter des deutschen Monismus. Während seiner Laufbahn schrieb er über die Geschichte der Philosophie, Religionen und Mythologie. Er provoziert oft Streit wegen seiner unorthodoxen Ideen über Religion und teilweise wegen seiner Angriffe auf Nietzsche und seiner leidenschaftlichen Unterstützung von Wagner. Drews gehört zu den bekanntesten deutschen Bestreitern der Existenz eines historischen Jesus. Er faßt das Problem der Religion als ein wesentlich methaphysisches auf und vertritt den Standpunkt (...)
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  21.  47
    Innen - Außen - Anders: Körper Im Werk von Gilles Deleuze Und Michel Foucault.Katharina D. Martin & Ann-Cathrin Drews (eds.) - 2017 - Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag.
    Im Werk von Gilles Deleuze und Michel Foucault sind Körper und Körperlichkeit zentrale Aspekte, die in diesem Band erstmalig vergleichend in den Fokus gerückt werden. Die Beiträger_innen stellen die Entwürfe beider Denker zur Ästhetik und Ethik als Reflexionen der Beziehung zwischen Körper und Bild vor und betonen die Verkettungen von Körper, Macht und Ästhetik. Gleichzeitig werden spezifische Fragen der jüngeren Deleuze- und Foucault-Forschung angesprochen. Der interdisziplinäre Band bietet Wissenschaftler_innen aus Philosophie und Kunstgeschichte sowie den Medien- und Kulturwissenschaften einen thematischen Überblick (...)
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  22.  12
    Teilhabe-Ontologie und interreligiöser Dialog im Platonismus und Christentum: "Gott ist Richter mitten unter den Göttern" (Ps 82,1b): Monotheismus, Polytheismus und Teilhabe-Ontologie im Platonismus und Christentum, die Henaden bei Proklos und der interreligiöse Dialog bei Nikolaus von Kues.Friedemann Drews - 2018 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    Die platonische Teilhabe-Ontologie besitzt in Antike und Mittelalter ein konkretes Potential fur einen philosophisch begrundeten interreligiosen Dialog. Das Buch fuhrt Proklos' Henadenlehre im Kontext seines Teilhabe-Theorems einer schlussigen Interpretation zu und zeigt, wie Nikolaus von Kues das Theorem verwendet, um in seinem Werk "Uber den Frieden im Glauben" u.a. die divergenten Perspektiven von Islam und Christentum auf die Trinitatslehre miteinander zu vermitteln.
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    Topologien des Körpers im Werk von Gilles Deleuze und Michel Foucault: Eine Einführung.Katharina D. Martin & Ann-Cathrin Drews - 2017 - In Katharina D. Martin & Ann-Cathrin Drews (eds.), Innen - Außen - Anders: Körper Im Werk von Gilles Deleuze Und Michel Foucault. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. pp. 11-48.
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    Kalt, warm, hybrid: Körperkonzepte in den Texten Gilles Deleuzes und Michel Foucaults zu den Gemälden Gérard Fromangers.Ann-Cathrin Drews - 2017 - In Katharina D. Martin & Ann-Cathrin Drews (eds.), Innen - Außen - Anders: Körper Im Werk von Gilles Deleuze Und Michel Foucault. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. pp. 111-136.
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    Frontmatter.Katharina D. Martin & Ann-Cathrin Drews - 2017 - In Katharina D. Martin & Ann-Cathrin Drews (eds.), Innen - Außen - Anders: Körper Im Werk von Gilles Deleuze Und Michel Foucault. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. pp. 1-4.
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    Inhalt.Katharina D. Martin & Ann-Cathrin Drews - 2017 - In Katharina D. Martin & Ann-Cathrin Drews (eds.), Innen - Außen - Anders: Körper Im Werk von Gilles Deleuze Und Michel Foucault. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. pp. 5-8.
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    Zu den Autorinnen und Autoren.Katharina D. Martin & Ann-Cathrin Drews - 2017 - In Katharina D. Martin & Ann-Cathrin Drews (eds.), Innen - Außen - Anders: Körper Im Werk von Gilles Deleuze Und Michel Foucault. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. pp. 395-398.
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    Schleiermacher Summer Camp.Eric von der Luft - 1987 - The Owl of Minerva 18 (2):239-244.
    The first meeting of the Schleiermacher Studies and Translations Group was held August 8–11, 1986, at Drew University. The purposes of this “Schleiermacher Summer Camp” were to plan the translations into English of Schleiermacher’s complete corpus, including sermons and letters, as well as some prominent German secondary sources, and to provide an opportunity for the initial participants in this ambitious project to meet each other and learn each other’s methods. presuppositions, interests, and goals. The sessions were extremely valuable toward (...)
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    Dank.Katharina D. Martin & Ann-Cathrin Drews - 2017 - In Katharina D. Martin & Ann-Cathrin Drews (eds.), Innen - Außen - Anders: Körper Im Werk von Gilles Deleuze Und Michel Foucault. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. pp. 9-10.
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    Last Writings on the Philosophy of Psychology, Volume 1.C. G. Luckhardt, G. H. von Wright & Heikki Nyman (eds.) - 1996 - University of Chicago Press.
    This bilingual volume—English and German on facing pages—brings together the writings Wittgenstein composed during his stay in Dublin between October 1948 and March 1949, one of his most fruitful periods. He later drew more than half of his remarks for Part II of _Philosophical Investigations_ from this Dublin manuscript. A direct continuation of the writing that makes up the two volumes of _Remarks on the Philosophy of Psychology,_ this collection offers scholars a glimpse of Wittgenstein's preliminary thinking on one (...)
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    Writing and Authority in Early China (review). [REVIEW]Lothar von Falkenhausen - 2001 - Philosophy East and West 51 (1):127-135.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Writing and Authority in Early ChinaLothar von FalkenhausenWriting and Authority in Early China. By Mark Edward Lewis. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1999. Pp. vii + 544. Hardcover $92.50. Paper $31.95.Writing and Authority in Early China is a forceful and sparklingly original work in which Mark Edward Lewis explores the role of writing and texts in the transformation of political authority during the Warring States, Qin, (...)
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  32. (1 other version)Drews, Arthur, Eduard von Hartmanns philosophisches System im Grundriss. [REVIEW]Franz Erhardt - 1910 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 15:278.
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    (1 other version)Schelling, F. W. J. v., Werke. Auswahl in 3 Bänden. Mit 3 Porträts Schellings und einem Geleitwort von Prof. Dr. Arthur Drews, herausgeg. und eingeleitet von Otto Weiss. [REVIEW]Fritz Medicus - 1908 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 13:317.
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    The voice of a popular German Capuchin preacher: The Weeg-Weiser gen Himmel (1668-1679) of Geminianus von Mainz.Bert Roest - 2019 - Franciscan Studies 77 (1):171-230.
    This essay wants to provide a preliminary introduction to, and initial contextualization of the sermons of the seventeenth-century Capuchin preacher Geminianus von Mainz. To my knowledge, his literary production has never been a subject of exhaustive scholarship, even though it has been portrayed by some as a typical example of Bavarian baroque preaching from the later seventeenth century.1 More recently, his metaphorical approach to marriage has been commented upon in passing by Ulrike Strasser and Merry Wiesner-Hanks,2 whereas several culinary remarks (...)
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    »Dolmetscherin der Vergangenheit und Prophetin der Zukunft«: Das Profil der jüdischen Philosophie im Werk von Leopold Zunz, Abraham Geiger und Salomon Munk.Martin Ritter - 2003 - Archiv für Begriffsgeschichte 45:121-150.
    While up to the 19th century there were philosophers within Judaism, these sages neither perceived themselves as Jewish philosophers nor did the Jewish community categorized them under this term. This situation changed with the rise of historicism. The first academically trained scholars in Judaism faced a new challenge: almost all leading contemporay German philosophers operated with a concept of a Christian philosophy which left no room for an acknowledgement of Jewish contributions to the history of philosophy. Zunz was the first (...)
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    “Tout cela peut-il s’être fait sans dessein?”: The Panglossism of Nieuwentijt. „Tout cela peut-il s’être fait sans dessein?“: Der Panglossismus von Nieuwentijt.Raphaële Andrault - 2018 - Studia Leibnitiana 50 (1):89.
    In this article we distinguish four kinds of finalities at stake in Nieuwentijt’s “scopologia” (general design, teleology of health, particular final causes and organic uses). We show that the tension between the principle of economy and the assignation of particular final causes in Nieuwentijt’s physico-theology perfectly illustrates what later commentators as Gould and Lewontin called the problem of ‘panglossism’ in biology. It was a problem to which Leibniz himself drew attention in different texts.
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    Oswald Spenglers „Der Untergang des Abendlandes” als Katalysator theologischer Kriseninterpretationen zum Verhältnis von Christentum und Kultur.Jörg Schneider - 2003 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 10 (2):196-223.
    This essay concentrates on the reception of Oswald Spengler's book, „Der Untergang des Abendlandes” by German Protestant theologians in the early 1920s, who were more susceptible to the influence of this book than were philosophers. Just after the First World War, for example, Werner Elert, Karl Heim and Ernst Troeltsch – not to mention Emanuel Hirsch, Friedrich Gogarten and others – had to cope with deeply interconnected crises in faith, church, theology and nation. Spengler's idea of cycles in history seemed (...)
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  38. Quantifiers as modal operators.Steven T. Kuhn - 1980 - Studia Logica 39 (2-3):145 - 158.
    Montague, Prior, von Wright and others drew attention to resemblances between modal operators and quantifiers. In this paper we show that classical quantifiers can, in fact, be regarded as S5-like operators in a purely propositional modal logic. This logic is axiomatized and some interesting fragments of it are investigated.
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  39. (1 other version)Social Objects.Barry Smith - 1999 - Philosophiques 26 (2):315-347.
    One reason for the renewed interest in Austrian philosophy, and especially in the work of Brentano and his followers, turns on the fact that analytic philosophers have become once again interested in the traditional problems of metaphysics. It was Brentano, Husserl, and the philosophers and psychologists whom they influenced, who drew attention to the thorny problem of intentionality, the problem of giving an account of the relation between acts and objects or, more generally, between the psychological environments of cognitive (...)
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    Color perception (in 3000 words).Austen Clark - 1998 - In George Graham & William Bechtel (eds.), A Companion to Cognitive Science. Blackwell.
    A neighbor who strikes it rich evokes both admiration and envy, and a similar mix of emotions must be aroused in many neighborhoods of cognitive science when the residents look at the results of research in color perception. It provides what is probably the most widely acknowledged success story of any domain of scientific psychology: the success, against all expectation, of the opponent process theory of color perception. Initially proposed by a Ewald Hering, a nineteenth century physiologist, it drew (...)
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    Last Writings on the Philosophy of Psychology, Volume 1.Ludwig Wittgenstein - 1996 - University of Chicago Press.
    This bilingual volume—English and German on facing pages—brings together the writings Wittgenstein composed during his stay in Dublin between October 1948 and March 1949, one of his most fruitful periods. He later drew more than half of his remarks for Part II of Philosophical Investigations from this Dublin manuscript. A direct continuation of the writing that makes up the two volumes of Remarks on the Philosophy of Psychology, this collection offers scholars a glimpse of Wittgenstein's preliminary thinking on one (...)
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  42. Sept. 7, 2007 chrysippus on physical elements.John Cooper - manuscript
    My ultimate purpose here is to examine, discuss, and interpret a difficult excerpt in Stobaeus’ 5th c. AD anthology, alleging to report—uniquely, it appears—a distinction Chrysippus drew between three different applications of the term stoixe›on or element (i.e., physical element).1 Stobaeus lists this passage as giving opinions specifically of Chrysippus “about the elements out of substance” (per‹ t«n §k t∞w oÈs€aw stoixe€vn), though in holding them he says Chrysippus was following Zeno, the leader of his sect. Hermann Diels (1879) (...)
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    Schelling und die Hermeneutik der Aufklärung.Christian Danz (ed.) - 2012 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    English summary: While he was a student in Tubingen, the young Schelling wrote his own commentaries on the biblical scriptures and developed a historical hermeneutics which drew on contemporary concepts and took these concepts further. In this volume, the contributors provide the first study of these new sources in the context of the complex hermeneutical and exegetical debates in late Enlightenment theology. In doing so, they use an interdisciplinary approach to show the connections between theological problems at the end (...)
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  44. From Virtues To Duties:the Case Of Antoine Le Grand.Thomas Mautner - 2000 - Jahrbuch für Recht Und Ethik 8.
    Le Grand's introduction to philosophy, written for use in Cambridge, was the first to be written along Cartesian lines. A section on moral philosophy, first included in the second edition 1672, drew on the common Aristotelian-style way of dealing with the subject-matter, but with modifications inspired by Descartes. In the third edition 1675 this section was almost doubled in size. The additional chapters are an unacknowledged paraphrase of the bulk of Pufendorf's De officio hominis et civis 1673. Le Grand's (...)
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    Leibniz and 18th-century Philosophy of Language.Michael Losonsky - 2023 - Lo Sguardo - Rivista di Filosofia 37 (II - Language in the Age of Enli):111-124.
    Leibniz’s work on language left a lasting impression on 18th-century philosophical thinking about language. His two major works that discussed natural language were both published in the 18th century and in these works Leibniz focused on the sound symbolism, phonology, and etymology of language, topics that played a major role for 18th-century philosophers of language. These topics belonged to what Leibniz considered the material aspects of language and were tied to the expressive powers of language. Herder acknowledged Leibniz’s influence and (...)
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    Organic Harmony and Ernst Cassirer’s Pluralism.Shuchen Xiang - 2019 - Idealistic Studies 49 (3):259-284.
    This article argues that Cassirer’s thinking about the relationship between the different symbolic forms is best elucidated via the paradigm of “organic harmony.” Although Cassirer did not use the term himself, the harmonious cooperation between the parts found in the organic world provided him with a welcome alternative to traditional accounts of order (i.e., identity or hierarchy). This article gives three examples of “organic harmony” from which Cassirer drew inspiration: Goethe’s idealistic morphology, Wilhelm von Humboldt’s account of language, and (...)
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    Ethik des antiken Platonismus: der platonische Weg zum Glück in Systematik, Entstehung und historischem Kontext: Akten der 12. Tagung der Karl und Gertrud Abel-Stiftung vom 15. bis 18. Oktober 2009 in Münster.Christian Pietsch (ed.) - 2013 - Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
    English Description: Plato (429/8-349-8 BCE) founded a philosophy which has greatly impacted European intellectual history. 'Platonism' was especially influential during the Roman Empire. However, a comprehensive account of the methodological, genetic, and historical aspects of its Ethics has been lacking up to this point. Stemming from an International Conference at the University of Munster, this volume fills this lacuna. Numerous experts introduced the Ethics of Platonists of the Roman Empire in chronological sequence. The themes range from questions about basic principles (...)
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    Economic calculation in the socialist commonwealth.Ludwig von Mises - unknown
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    Folkelige protester og protestformer i den franske revolution.Nicolai von Eggers - 2015 - Slagmark - Tidsskrift for Idéhistorie 71:247-252.
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    Do the Laws of Nature Entail Causal Closure? Response to Michael Esfeld.Daniel Von Wachter - 2019 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 26 (1):175-184.
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